Vennum, C.R., Gilmore, A., Wells, C.P., Briggs, C.W., Koons, D. 2025. Morphometric sex determination across nestling age classes of Swainson’s hawk. {Revision minor edits; Journal of Raptor Research}
Vennum, C.R., Woodbridge, B., Street, P.A., Collopy, M.W., Bloom, P., Hayes, J.P., Briggs, C.W. 2025. Cross-seasonal effects of agricultural pesticides on a hemispheric migrant. {Resubmission Process}
Briggs, C.W., Farner, C., Hunt, M., Vennum, C.R. 2024. Daily Diet and Temporal Variation of Swainson’s Hawks Prey Deliveries. Journal of Raptor Research.
Vennum, C.R., Briggs, C.W., Collopy, M.W., Woodbridge, B. 2024. Inequality among offspring, correlates of recruitment and lifetime reproductive success in a long-lived raptor. Journal of Ornithology. 165:681-690.
Kane, S.A., Vennum, C.R., Woodbridge, B., Collopy, M.W., Bloom, P.H., Briggs, C.W. 2020. Age distribution and longevity in a breeding population of Swainson’s Hawks, Buteo swainsoni. Journal of Ornithology. 161(3): 885-891.
Herring, G., Eagles‐Smith, C.A., Buck, J.A., Shiel, A.E., Vennum, C.R., Emery, C., Johnson, B., Leal, D., Heath, J.A., Dudek, B.M. and Preston, C.R., Woodbridge, B. 2020. The lead (Pb) lining of agriculture‐related subsidies: enhanced Golden Eagle growth rates tempered by Pb exposure. Ecosphere. 11(1), e03006.
Vennum, C.R., Downs, C.J., Hayes, J.P., Houston, I., Collopy, M.W., Woodbridge, B., Briggs, C.W. 2019. Early life conditions and immune defense in nestling Swainson’s Hawks. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 92(4): 419-429.
Dudek, B.M., Kochert, M.N., Barnes, J.G., Bloom, P.H., Papp, J.M., Gerhold, R.W., Purple, K.E., Jacobson, K.V., Preston, C.R., Vennum, C.R., Watson, J.W., Heath, J.A. 2018. Prevalence and risk factors of trichomonas gallinae and trichomonosis in Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) nestlings in western north America. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 54(4): 755-764.
Lujàn-Vega, C., Johnson, C.K., Briggs, C., Vennum, C., Bloom, P., Hull, J.M., Cray, C., Pesti, D., Wolff, B., Ciembor, P., Ritchie, B., and Hawkins, M.G. 2018. Atypical chlamydiaceae in free-ranging populations of hawks (BUTEO SPP.) in northern California. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 49(1):108-115.
MacColl, E., Vanesky, K., Buck, J.A., Dudek, B.M., Eagles-Smith, C.A., Heath, J.A., Herring, G., Vennum, C., Downs, C.J. 2017. Correlates of immune defenses in Golden Eagle nestlings. Journal of Experimental Zoology A. 327(5): 243-253.